About - The San Antonio Public Library Foundation

Growing & Changing With The Community

The San Antonio Public Library Foundation (SAPLF) was established as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization in 1983 by local business and civic leaders to augment the San Antonio Public Library’s budget with support from several sources including individuals, corporations, and charitable foundations. SAPLF is proud to have earned the Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency.

Led by a 40 + member Board of Directors, SAPLF has contributed more than $50 million in financial support and added awareness to improve our public libraries. The Foundation’s steadfast advocacy and public-awareness efforts have played a role in increases to the Library’s city-funded budgets – resulting in branch expansions, extended operational hours, and a boost in materials budgets. The Library Foundation supports a wide range of Public Library programs targeted to all ages, with new programming and technology introduced regularly to meet the growing and changing needs of the community.

Nonprofits are only as worthy as their Board members. Although the Foundation was established as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization in 1983 by local business and civic leaders to augment the Public Library’s budget, it’s our Board members who are, and have been, critical to the success of our organization. We rely on our Board members for so many important things – professional skills, connections, and resources. We are deeply grateful for all the volunteer time they give to improve our library system.

Won’t you join this remarkable group in supporting your library? When you give to the Library Foundation today, you place books and technology in the hands of children and learners of all ages. You support programs that improve literacy and inspire a lifelong passion for reading and learning. Your gift to the Foundation will live on into the future via our libraries of today and tomorrow.

You can view more detailed information on our  990.


To strengthen the library in service to our community.


SAPLF will continue to be recognized as the leading private advocate for the library by leveraging our strategic relationships to drive public and private resources to the library. We will continue to partner with the library to strategically identify and promote innovative programs and services that benefit the community.

“Our strength as a community has been tested over the past year and library services have seen even greater demand. We have witnessed the SAPL’s resilience and innovation in times of crisis and with our continued support, expect to see it emerge an even stronger asset to the community.” – Hanna Rochelle, SAPLF Board Chair, 2021-22

“Even in the most challenging times, we stay mission focused and work hard to support our library system. Our goal at SAPLF is to always do the most good for the greatest number of people!” – Amy Hone, SAPLF Executive Director


Founded in 1983, the San Antonio Public Library Foundation (SAPLF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to strengthen the library in service to our community. The Library Foundation raises funds through private and corporate donations and grants, and hosts fundraising events each year. These funds benefit our Library system as well as support our efforts to improve literacy in San Antonio through our Literacy Caravan and Born to Read programs.

Please see the Library Impact pulldown of our website to see how your donation makes a difference in our community!

Bexar County – San Antonio and surrounding areas.

Yes. You may specify which branch you would like to support under our Donate Now section of the website. There are 29 branches in the Public Library System including the Central Library.

Yes. Your bequest or trust creates a legacy for the library and the entire city of San Antonio. Contact Amy Hone at 210.225.4728 (EXT: 11) or Amy.hone@saplf.org for more information.

Yes, your donation to the Foundation is 100% tax-deductible if you receive no goods or services. Once you make your donation, you will receive a tax credit letter for your personal files.

To receive mailed and electronic information from the Foundation, please contact info at info@saplf.org and you will be added to our list.

  • Born to Read, an early literacy program awarded national recognition by the Institute of Museum and Library Services that provides all babies born in Bexar County with a literacy bag containing a bilingual book, library information and a list of library locations, and an easy-to-read pamphlet with reading strategies for different stages of growth.
  • Literacy Caravan, a mobile “classroom” that provides engaging research-based literacy activities to children and their caretakers.To have the greatest impact on San Antonio’s literacy rate, the Literacy Caravan schedules monthly visits to 2nd graders in schools in under-served areas, and may also visit libraries, community centers, businesses, festivals, or other special events.

The Library Foundation supports a wide range of San Antonio Public Library capital projects, technology, and programs targeted to all ages, with new programming introduced regularly to meet the growing and changing needs of the San Antonio community.
The Foundation supplements the Library’s offerings through collection development, technology, facility enhancements, art, and awareness.

The Foundation does not accept donations of used books or magazines, however books can be donated to the Friends of the San Antonio Public Library, who operate the Book Cellar, a used book store located in the basement of the Central Library.

Please contact them at http://www.friendsofsapl.org

The Friends of the San Antonio Public Library promotes public use of the San Antonio Public Library and appreciation of its value as a cultural and educational asset to the community and encourages the extension and improvement of its services. The Friends of the San Antonio Public Library operate The Book Cellar, located in the basement of the Central Library.

Learn more at http://www.friendsofsapl.org

No. The Book Festival started as a program of the SAPLF in 2013 with the Texas Book Festival, the Central Library, and the Southwest School of Art as partners, and became an independent  501(c)(3) in 2021.

Their website is https://sabookfestival.org

Thank You To Our Supporters

Brown Foundation
Nancy Smith Hurd Foundation
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Frost Bank
Najim Charitable Foundation
Silver Eagle Beverages
RK Group
Phyllis Browning
Greehey Family Foundation
Mays Family
Semmes Foundation
United Way